Learn all there is to know about insurance.
A. Call the 800# on the back of your card to report your claim. Be sure to tell the person who answers the phone your policy number. If you are unsure if you should report a claim, contact our office to discuss with us what options are available to you.
If you were in a car accident, make sure you get the other driver’s insurance information and contact information. Exchange information and then also contact the police in order to get a police report.
If your vehicle has experienced windshield damage claim, know that if it is a small chip of less than a quarter size, the carrier will waive your deductible and fix it for you at no charge.
A. Comprehensive coverage includes the following:
An Individual must pay their comprehensive deductible to be covered for these items.
A. Collision coverage includes the following:
A. Bodily injury coverage helps you in cases when you get sued up to the limits of liability.
A. Typically, your major medical insurance will also have coinsurance, co pays or deductibles that you may have to pay out of your pocket in the case of an accident. Additional medical coverage will pay the excess amount up to the specific limit of your policy.
A. Unfortunately, this is needed because some people will drop their coverage right after they get their license plates or drive even though they don’t have any coverage. This provides coverage for you if you are injured by a driver who is not insured. Loss of wages and rehabilitation can also be covered if needed, up to the limits of liability.
A. This is not mandatory, but it is needed coverage for you if the other driver’s policy does not cover you for everything regarding injury. This policy would cover your medical bills, rehabilitation and loss of wages up to the specific limits.
A. Higher premiums are due because they are often reflecting the replacement cost, not the market value and they may also reflect a rate increase of the insurance policy provider. The replacement cost will go up a little over time due to inflationary factors.
A. This is the cost to replace your home from the ground up after a disaster using specialized labor crews and special material. Some materials can be more expensive after a disaster, and debris removal can be 10% of your coverage A limit (dwelling). This and other factors play into this cost calculation.
A. This provides coverage on an “all risk” basis meaning anything is covered without going through the deductible. The extra cost is usually $12 per $1,000 so it is only necessary to cover expensive things like wedding/engagement rings or other expensive things like fine arts, musical instruments, etc.
A. What policy covers the items in the moving truck? Your home policy can cover theft but remember you have to go through your deductible and you would have to show evidence of theft or break in. Your belongings are usually “named peril” and mysterious disappearance is not covered unless you purchase an “all risk” policy. The best thing to do is purchase the moving van company’s insurance; that way your stuff is covered for anything that happens to it while it is being transported. Please contact me for further details of a home policy at 314-968-4444.